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Globalization on the Nationhood of Countries


In the past two decades, agriculture in the Caribbean has been on a steady decline this is happening for a number of reasons. The main reasons the agriculture in this region is on a decline is because of the dependence on foreign food, and the minimal help to small farmers to help move their products and because of the use of out date technique and technology to aid their agricultural skills (Ahmed). The biggest reason for the decline would have to be because of regional and international organizations (Ahmed). In Jamaica , the agricultural production declined in 1997 by 16.6% this was due to not only a small drought experienced by the country in that time period but also because of the growing amounts of import competition coming in from other countries(Ahmed). This shows the problem with globalization countries are taking profit away from their local farmers because of the fact that they can simply import the goods for cheaper than their own farmers are selling it for in their home countries (Ahmed). Also another disadvantage that the Caribbean countries are victim to would have to be their size; the small size of the Caribbean islands limits them from benefiting the economies of scale (Ahmed). This causes higher prices than the rest of the world for production of their own high priority crops such as sugar cane, bananas, citrus fruits and coffee (Ahmed). Due to liberalization of the exchange market, the Jamaican and other Caribbean countries dollar have faltered against the world major currencies (Ahmed). As the rest of the world continues to become more advanced in their technologies in the agricultural department the farmers of the Caribbean will continues to falter, in order to better their productivity (Ahmed), come to date with techniques and their technology to increases efficiency and productivity in their farms until this happens globalization will continue to take their business through trade.

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