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Influence of the British Trade Union


             Moreover, there are three primarily political objectives of Conservative government. It is said (Waddington 2013 pp216-218) the three measures are exclusion of unions from the roles in any policy decisions, changing internal union democracy role through forcing the unions to accept representative forms of democracy at the spending of participate forms and the last one is to let the management to make a assumption of getting a greater control including the workplace. First of all, during the 1980s, Mrs. Margret Thatcher who is from the conservative party led the UK government. Because the labour party was developed from the trade union and it concentrated on nationalize economic. On the other hand, "The Conservative Party was enabled by this context to make the difficult transition from being a party of the Keynesian consensus to being one representing the new forces of mobile financial capitalism without suffering electoral vulnerability" (Crouch 2003 pp113), this could be explained why Conservative government would exclude the trade union. .
             Secondly, it was about the regulation of union decision-making and electoral procedures. In this case, Conservative Party intended to heighten the individualist conception of union democracy and made an effort of neo-liberal. Therefore, they need to make sure there is no stone for them to go forward. Then, it was estimated (Waddington 2003 pp219) that the proportion of workplace has fallen to 53 percent in1990 and 45 percent in1998 from 66 percent in 1984. And this would lead to the fact that less and less workers thought they were in a well manage workplace and the management was definitely hard. When the relationship between employer ad workers, it would strengthen the individualization and it would more easily for Conservative government to deepen the step of promoting free market. .
             Furthermore, there was a changing structure of employment in the UK.

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