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Domestic Violence in Pakistan


Since then the discussion about women violence got attention in policy discussions among many states. The implementation of Millennium Development Goals promotes most of the States to combat women violence and to implement convention against discrimination towards women in order to alleviate poverty and to bring gender equality. Since then women empowerment become an important aspect for brining sustainable development and some new changes in policies and laws appeared in order to serve women right and to combat violence against them.
             Pakistan is one of those countries who signed these declaration but the existing cultural practices and male dominant society don't adopt women friendly policies so easily. Women in Pakistan faced discrimination at every level from home to the work place environment, their lives are govern by the strong system of patriarchy, tribal codes and the traditions( Rehman 2009). The constitution of Pakistan include article: "All citizens are equal before law and are entitle to equal protection from all kinds of violence". 'However, customary and Islamic laws practices in the country negate the equality of women as guaranteed in constitution of Pakistan' (Usman 2006).
             Stove burning and acid throwing is one of the biggest and emerging violence against Pakistani women since last few decades. 'Domestic violence in Pakistan takes the form of wife beating, stove burning, acid throwing, honor killings, and forced marriages. Most of these practices stem from the dual conceptions of 'woman as property' and 'woman as honour (Abou Shabanah, M 1998). According to a women's right organization 'Aurat Foundation' fourth report on violence against women in Pakistan (2011) almost 8,500 cases of women violence including stove burning and acrid throwing were reported in Pakistan. The number of cases of violence against women was 800 in 2010, 7571 in 2007.

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