They are both now traveling at about 42,000 miles per hour and are about 19 billion kilometers away traveling deeper into interstellar space ( The results of the mission are to be checked periodically and it is crucial to know the information as soon as possible so that NASA can give the Voyagers new tasks to perform. Unfortunately, in the case of Voyagers 1 and 2, according to NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, it can take months for their signal, with information about the new tasks, to reach the Voyagers. This is why it is imperative for scientists to be able to make a device or machine that could teleport photons and long trails of signals or information which would allow us to communicate with our satellites instantly and have faster earth-space communication along with any other type of communication in the world.
Quantum teleportation is a very popular study in the field of quantum physics, which is derived from one of the many branches of physics; however many scientists from all over the world, in present time, have explained that it works in a very confusing and mysterious matter, or as Albert Einstein himself described it, in a very spooky and frightening manner. Principally, quantum teleportation is the transfer of information through a pair of photons that are entangled with an invisible connection between them. An easier way to illustrate this, as stated in the article written in (PhysOrg), is by analyzing how the myth of special connections between twins, also known as ESP, actually works. The myth basically states that between two twin siblings, there is an invisible connection between them; meaning that if one of the twins were to be in trouble or in a state of danger, the other twin would instinctively, sense or feel when the other twin is in that state of stress or danger all because of that invisible connection in between. Like twins, entangled photons function almost identically to the function of ESP.