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Overview of the European Union (EU)


The role of the European Parliament in the legislative process has expanded steadily over time as the scope of EU policy has grown. As more decisions within the Council of Minis ­ters have become subject to qualified majority vot ­ing rather than unanimity to allow for greater speed and efficiency of decision-making, the Par ­liament has come to be viewed as an increasingly important democratic. The EP and the Council ex ­ercise joint powers in determining the EU's an ­nual budget of roughly $138 billion. The budget ­ary procedure begins with the Commission propos ­ing a preliminary draft budget to the CouncilEuropean Parliament plays a role in the EU's legislative and budgeting processes, and exercises general supervision over the work of the two other main EU bodies, the Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers) and the European Commission.
             However, the EP is not a legislative body in the traditional sense. The EP cannot initiate legislation; that right rests solely with the Commission, which functions as the EU's executive and guarantor of the EU treaties.The Council, the EU's main decision-making body comprised of ministers from the national governments, enacts legislation based on Com ­mission proposals, after it consults with the Par ­liament. The role of the European Parliament in the legislative process has expanded steadily over time as the scope of EU policy has grown. As more decisions within the Council of Minis ­ters have become subject to qualified majority vot ­ing rather than unanimity to allow for greater speed and efficiency of decision-making, the Par ­liament has come to be viewed as an increasingly important democratic. The EP and the Council ex ­ercise joint powers in determining the EU's an ­nual budget of roughly $138 billion. The budget ­ary procedure begins with the Commission propos ­ing a preliminary draft budget to the CouncilEuropean Parliament plays a role in the EU's legislative and budgeting processes, and exercises general supervision over the work of the two other main EU bodies, the Council of the European Union (Council of Ministers) and the European Commission.

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