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Earthquakes and Volcanoes


Huge earthquakes that have caused a lot of damage to Los Angeles and San Francisco. For example a well known earthquake throughout the San Andreas fault crash into San Francisco in 1906. It was a fairly damaging earthquake where many buildings were shaken to pieces and the rest of the city was demolished by the fires. More than 600 people died as a result to that. The earthquakes are really well grounded at these type of plate boundaries. On the other hand, volcanic eruptions are quite unlikely at the transform plate boundaries. It is because these type of plate boundaries does not involve the subduction of a plate.Volcanic actives are mostly common at both spreading centers and subduction zones, but there is no ripping apart or subduction taking place along a transform fault. This is why volcanic eruptions are unlikely here, because there is not any magma that can be formed and could lead to any volcanic activity.
             At what type of plate margins do volcanoes most commonly occur?.
             As mentioned, volcanoes most commonly occur at subduction zone boundaries where the thinner oceanic plates get pulled under the thicker continental plates. The plates melts and form pockets of magma as they go deeper. This process can cause mountains to be constructed and as hot magma rises it erupts out of volcanos. One place that this is very obvious is along the Andes Mountains in South America. On the other hand volcanos are found along spreading centers as well. For example under the water and at the surface of Island. This is where the thinner oceanic crust is being pulled apart and the hot magma is bubbling up. A another place is where these are weakness in the earths crust, it is used to be called hot spots and a good example to this can be Hawaii and Yellowstone. These weaknesses are not connected to any plate boundary, these are holes in the earths crust that move as the plate they are connected with moves.

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