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Benvolio and Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet.


            Benvolio is a symbol of peace while Tybalt is a symbol of violence and hatred. Benvolio sounds as if it was taken from the word "benevolent" which means expressing goodwill. Similarly, Benvolio is a peacemaker and expresses goodwill by always trying to avoid conflicts by suggesting settling their fray through discussions and negotiations as seen in act 3 scene 1 when Tybalt confronted Mercutio. Additionally, when Benvolio no longer appears in the play after act 3 scene 1, the storyline becomes more chaotic. In comparison, Tybalt is overwhelmed with hatred and passion. He deals with conflicts with fights unlike Benvolio. When he sees a Montague he will immediately draw his sword, attempting to challenge them. In act 1 scene 1, the repetition of "hate" in Tybalt's line "What, drawn and talk of peace? I hate the word, as I hate hell, all Montagues, and thee," suggests the tremendous hate that he bears. Furthermore, during Capulet's party, Tybalt was stopped by Capulet with insults and lashings when he wanted to confront Romeo who crashed their party. He bore the grudge from that party and went to seek Romeo for revenge. With his violent nature, he killed Mercutio in the midst of the conflict. .
             Benvolio is also a symbolic representation of reason whereas Tybalt represents haste. "Put up thy sword or manage it to part these men with me." Benvolio says in act 1 scene 1. He uses the tools of conflicts and fights to keep peace for a good reason. When Tybalt confronted Mercutio in act 3 scene 1 in an attempt to challenge Romeo to a duel, Benvolio intervenes and starts reasoning with them ,trying to prevent a fight from occurring. He tried reasoning by telling them to "withdraw into some private place; And reason coldly of your grievances; Or else depart; here all eyes gaze on us". He mostly tries to resolve conflicts with words, with sound advices.

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