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Maiden Voyage


             In passage A from Maiden Voyage Denton Welch relates the story of a young boy who while visiting an unfamiliar country finds himself in a terrifying predicament. By using descriptions of the setting and characters told from the boy's point of view, along with various writing techniques Welch draws the reader into the world and mind of the boy so that they are experiencing the same resentment, curiosity, and panic.
             One way in which the author achieves this effect is through his descriptions of things like the "moth-eaten balls" and "old tennis racket" which tell the reader that the house is not equipped to entertain a young boy. There's also the reference of the popular trees the boy associates with the orderliness from which he is trying to escape. From his point of view they might as well be prison bars preventing him from exploring the unknown of the Chinese city waiting for him on the outside, somewhat like the attitude of Mr. Butler who warns him about going out on his own. Unfortunately the boy resents these restrictions on his independence and chooses to venture out on his own despite everything else. This specific trait of the boys is clarified earlier in the passage when Welch uses words like "brooding" and "unhappy" to describe the boy's attitude towards not getting his way. There are also the boy's statements about hating to be dependent on others because they never wanted to do what he did to reinforce that the boy is spoilt.
             While the boy attempts to persuade himself that he is doing nothing wrong since he is going into the country instead of the city the fact that he said himself that he let himself "quickly" out the back gate tells the reader that he did indeed know that he shouldn't have been going off on his own. .
             While everything about the villa is boring and restricting the outside brings with it an air of mystery and silence until his discovery at which point it becomes scary.

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