What actually elicitation is described by the Davey, B et all in [6]. As per their opinion, elicitation is actually collecting the information from the client. However, the collection of requirements could place by using one way or the combination of multiple ways. The ways which are used for the elicitation of requirements are called techniques of requirement elicitation. Goguen, J eta all have discussed the requirement elicitation techniques like interview, questionnaire, written material etc in [7]. .
The second major phase of requirement engineering is requirement analysis. As per Sommerville, I., & Kotonya, G analysis is concerned with discovering problems specially inconsistencies and incompleteness which are not been discussed by stakeholders [4]. It is actually a bridge between requirement elicitation and specification which is the next phase after analysis process. They have discussed various techniques for requirement analysis like prototypes and context diagrams. However, industry has adapted context diagrams especially unified modeling language as the standard one [8].However, analysis phase always incur negotiation in it to resolve the issues. Ahmad, S in his work discussed the importance of requirement negotiation for analysis process, its stages and the conflict that are actually cause of error in requirements [10]. Negotiation in analysis is not taken as a low level activity by the research community. Criteria for negotiation meetings is being defined by In, H. P., & Olson, D in their work [10]. They have provided a framework which is very much useful while conducting requirement negotiation meetings. .
The next step after analysis and negotiation is the preparation of specification document. Dorfman in his work has defined some rules for writing specification document, what should be the conventions and who should be the suggested readers etc are the questions being answered [11].