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The Absence of Government


Therefore, when it comes to security, the best solution according to him, would be to privatize the police. But as we know, in order the private companies to perform a service they need to get paid. The question that rises here is that what is going to happen with those people which cannot afford paying for their security? Will they remain insecure and unprotected?! Will the destiny of their lives be on the hands and mercy of thieves? But, isn`t that against the principles which lead to anarchy? Yes it is, because one of the main reasons why government has been criticized is because it protects the interests of the few and not the interests of all people (Burton,1). Therefore, the solution that they are proposing is much worse compared to a state where government exists, because obviously governments fail to satisfy the needs of every person, but at least they provide security for everyone. .
             Goldman and Burton also fail to clearly explain how people would coordinate their actions if they disagree. According to them, in general, the problems would be solved by society, so if there is any conflict of interest between two people the society would mediate and solve it, or in the worst case that could be achieved with the help of the private police. But what if there are ex. 4 groups of people that live in the same area, and each of them decides to have its own police. Since there is no law accepted by the entire population, and there are four different polices which duty is to provide security for their respective groups, what if there would be any conflict of interest, where every party involved would claim that it is right. How could the conflict be solved if every party do not give up from what thinks that it`s its right? In my opinion, as opposed to the state with government where there is a rule of law, all the conflicts are highly likely to get solved in a peaceful way, meaning there won`t be any killings, in the state of nature or in anarchy it would be the vice versa; the most powerful group, meaning a group that has more people and more guns would win in all cases, and also the likelihoods are very high that every conflict would result with murder.

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