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Union of Soviet Socialist Republics 1921-1940


We must make good this distance in 10 years. Either we do it, or we shall be crushed ". The achievements of the plans were impressive. Production increases between 1927-37 saw a rise in electricity by 700%, coal by 250% and oil by 400%. The Plans brought prosperity and strength to the country, acting as a cohesive force. Historian Westwood said, "By 1941 the main aim of Stalin's policy of rapid industrialisation had been achieved. The USSR, though politically demoralised, was one of the world's great industrial powers ". Launching the Five-Year Plan was instrumental to Stalin's increase in power, however Stalin was not the only component of this economic success. The Great Depression of 1929 had a direct effect on the Soviet economy. Many Americans and Germans came to the USSR as technical consultants because they could not find jobs in the depression era. While the rest of the world was struggling, the Soviet Union was prospering. The Five Year Plans, implemented by Stalin, played a fundamental role in bringing economic success to the Soviet whilst the depression was a minor assisting element. Therefore, Stalins role can be assessed as more important than that of external forces in bringing wealth and cohesion to the USSR. .
             Paragraph Two - Political.
             The use of terror and Purges carried out by Stalin formed a central part of the Soviet regime in the 1930s, acting as a significant divisive force. Alongside this the Communist Party and political opponents, such as Kirov, were a minor driving force. Throughout this time a series of show trials were held which saw former leaders of the regime accused, arrested and often executed. Any who could be labelled an ˜enemy of the people' were under threat. The event triggering the Purges was the murder of Kirov in 1934. At the 1934 Party Congress Kirov received as much applause as Stalin, and in December that year he was murdered. Stalin was able to silence dissident elements within the part ultimately establishing virtual supremacy.

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