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The Case for Raising the Minimum Wage" by David Cooper


Cooper immediately draws the reader in because he says, "There's a sense today that we, as a country, are dividing into two Americas. " (Cooper). This makes people want to read more and thoroughly understand what he is trying to say. Cooper clearly states his reasoning as to why he wants to raise minimum wage. He says, "Corporate stockholders are owners of capital become increasingly wealthy as profits and dividends continue to rise. In the other, ordinary workers gain more education, work longer hours and improve their productivity, yet often struggle to make ends meet. " (Cooper). This is a bold statement by Cooper. He conveys his message by embedding facts into his thoughts. He gives several pieces of evidence to back up his words. The highest earners have increasingly gotten stronger while middle/low wage workers have substantially gone down over the years due to decreasing minimum wage. Cooper strongly shows his thoughts on this topic by giving us a perspective view of how little the minimum wage workers are actually making. In the article he states, "In 1968, they.
             earned about $20,000 per year in today's dollars. It is enough for a family of three to stay above the poverty line-which can't be said for today's minimum-wage workers. " (Cooper) Like shown in this quote, he isn't letting his strong-hearted feeling take over his article. He places facts to get the point across to his readers which is why his article is much more effective and trustworthy. .
             Stern's article, "Why we need to raise the minimum wage, " immediately jumps to the point and says America is in poverty strictly because of low minimum wage. Unlike Cooper, Stern does not back up his statements with evidence. Stern just rambles on about how everyday people like him have to pay tax dollars that help out the people in poverty. One quote from his ramble states, " After a long day on the clock, you come home knowing that despite your hard work, you can't feed your family, cover their medical insurance or pay your rent without government support.

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