The unjust environmental practices predominantly impact the poor and those composed mainly of ethnic, social, and racial minorities. These groups are usually confronted with environmental hazards, which many times results in lasting health and social problems because they have limited access to quality health care. In spite of the distribution of racial minorities and low-income communities living close to waste and hazardous areas, environmental injustices are also trying to be tackled globally. Information about Environmental Justice issues is usually kept from people who should have access to such information so that exploitation from government officials and corporations can be as minimal as possible.
Accordingly, institutionalized racism plays a significant part in Environmental Justice issues. It describes communal models that have the net outcome of imposing unfair or otherwise pessimistic conditions against particular groups on the basis of race and ethnicity.4 This has become socialized in contemporary social institutions, not the least of which is a federal administration which not only authorizes but emphasizes the obligation of environmental injustice upon federal officials.
Supporters of Environmental Justice remind us that regardless of individuals' status in life. This shows that we all exist communally within the perspective of this environment. The commoditization of land, water, energy and air has resulted in policies that protect the exploitation of these basic needs for the gain of those with commercial influence on society over the underprivileged. This is why most hazardous and waste deposit areas are usually found near the homes of racial minorities and low-income earners who do not have the resources to fight back. The insensitive and inexplicable federal policies and regulations exist at all level of government involvement to environmental injustice and racism.