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Methylone and Other Party Drugs


             classify as an empathogen-entactogen; .
             Once Methylone is taken into the human body, the drug enters into the bloodstream with fifteen to thirty minutes and reaches the brain. At this point it starts to alter a few of the neurotransmitters causing an upset in the system balance of the brain. The way it accomplishes that is by getting serotonin vacuoles to release serotonin which involved in the regulation of many functions including sleep, appetite, and mood) in excess amount. The flooding of synapse with serotonin short-circuits the synapse which causes the brain to starts firing in strange ways.2 Because of the confusion, the pituitary gland is given order to release the neurotransmitters called endorphins into the bloodstream. Due to the overload of endorphins, the brain then presumes bad events will occur and releases an unnatural amount of dopamine in order to compensate. Dopamine is the key of the "high" or the euphoria feelings that one experience under Methylone. Dopamine helps our brain to control our experience of pleasure and reward, the sensation that we get with acts like eating or having sex which will motivates us to do it over and over again in order for survival. This whole "hijacking" process takes about forty-five minutes to complete. .
             Now that the drug is in its full effect, user will now start to experiencing changes in perception, such as an enhanced sense of touch and hearing. Most individual will become more talkative, energetic, and friendly. The amount of dopamine in the body system will create the illusion of a chemical love feeling much like eating a large amount of chocolates but lasting a much great time. Some physical effects starts to set in after an hour in to the "high", a large amount of jaw tension, grinding teeth and tense muscles starts to set in. Although these are not pleasure feelings, due to the still confused brain most users will ignore these effects.

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