Riddick spent less than three years in Deep Storage. He killed a guard and took his uniform, then shot two more guards and after that, a pilot. Riddick then escaped the prison on their only space freighter.
In response, the Company put one million-credit contract on Riddick and he immediately was chased by every bounty hunter and mercenary. Riddick proceeded to kill everyone that hunted him. Each person he killed was added to his list of serial murders (Diesel).
These events, to me, are the refusal of the call. Riddick has tried to hold a job to collect money on his journey to find who he really is, however this has held him back, and for the rest of his life he will have to elude the people chasing him instead of looking into his past.
Riddick is an Alpha Furyan which means he has more strength and endurance than the normal human. Alpha Furyans, have superhuman levels of strength, speed, agility, and reflexes. They also have heightened senses and amazing adaptation skills, adapting to almost any situation instantly. Also, Riddick is trained with any weapon he can get his hands on, from pistols and assault rifles to tea cups, and pins, and everything in between. Additionally, due to having the surgical procedure "Eyeshine", Riddick's has night vision. This lets him see and detect things in darkness (Dark).
This is Riddick's Supernatural Aid. These traits give him the ability to quickly escape his seekers and set him on the right path. Without them he would not be able to complete his journey.
As a teenager, Riddick became a Company ranger; this is where he learned how to pilot ships. Additionally, as a Ranger, he was assigned to the planet Sigma 3, where he worked as a sweeper. Sweepers have to draw out and kill spitfires (venomous lizards that are motion sensitive). This job was incredibly dangerous and Riddick was wounded many times. He also learned how to cheat at dice here because the sweepers would play dice and the looser would be the decoy against the spitfires.