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Encounter Point - Film Documentary


             The other is Palestinian from Bethlehem (George Sa'adeh), who lost one daughter while driving his family to the supermarket and was gunned down by Israeli troops occupying Bethlehem. Figure 4 demonstrates some of the fear people had with the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Though there is much conflict in this region of the world, it is proven that both sides can put aside their differences and come to terms of peace and help consol one another in their losses. How can real peace be obtained between Israel and Palestine? There are very few scenes in the movie indicating an imbalance in terms of representation. .
             This is because the movie is intended for viewers of both sides and impartiality in production terms is very important. The main production aim was to relay the view that regardless of violence, a majority of Palestinians and Israelis support peace.
             Ethos is demonstrated in this film through all the pictures given as evidence of the violence from both sides of this conflict and the intents of many groups of locals advocating for peace. Both Ronit and Julia are also credited with a vivacious presence in portraying unbiased documentaries in film and photography. All the scenes, interviews, and organizations in the film can be researched and have ample amounts of resources to verify their validity on the subjects discussed. The fact that this film is extremely unbiased in their portrayal of both sides of the conflict and efforts to improve and promote peace from both sides helps push this credibility as well. One can see in the short documentary that A balanced movie with regard to the given would be on that is impartial in all its scenes or the dominant part of the film. Impartiality is shown in this movie in many instances. The movie shows the power of different people working together for the quest of peace at a time when the media was focusing on the violence that had gripped the Middle East region.

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