Nike, an American company named after the Greek goddess who personifies .
victory shows their tremendous success by becoming a major U.S. manufacturer of .
athletic apparel, and other sports equipment and services. Their revenue is based off .
worldwide selling with an average net income of $2 billion USD annually (Market .
Watch). Though their products are of great value and built quality, much of their success .
has been due to their ability to market their products to their customers efficiently. With .
the highly recognized trademarks of "Just Do It" and the Swoosh logo it's seemingly .
easy to point out Nike from the rest of the competition. The company logo is quite .
distinct and unique as well as the product slogan that has been utilized in commercials .
for a long period of time. The marketing strategy of Nike invests a lot in commercials .
and product promotion. Small things like the logo and the product slogan are .
implemented in consumer minds and make it easy for the brand to be recognizable. .
Take a look at where Nike rates on Forbes magazine. The company, as of May 2014, is .
the 24th most valuable brand in the world. There is no doubt that Nike has been able to .
come to power and maintain their position due to their ability to endorse and market big .
name athletes as well as keep a constant flow of quality merchandise for the .
consumers. .
One of Nike's great feats is the variety of products that they have available for .
consumers. They sell everything imaginable from hats, to shirts, to socks. Where Nike's .
"money maker" is though, has to be their vast collection of sneakers. Again, the ability of .
being able to appeal to all different branches being Nike's forte, the brand has no .
problem delivering quality sneakers for all different sports and recreational purposes.
One of Nike's more popular brands, the Nike LeBrons made just over $300 million USD .
from sales in 2013. That's a tremendous amount until you hear how much Nike's Air .