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Relationships Between Native Americans and Europeans


Despite the Native American's resistance the Spanish ultimately prevailed. However the Spanish gained almost nothing from it as New Mexico did not provide the riches they had hoped for. Consequently, the Spanish were frustrated and treated the Native Americans like savages, demanding goods from them and punishing them severely when they could not deliver. For example in the text it states, "Pueblos offered them scarce food and clothing as gifts; the soldiers considered them tribute. When they did not get what they wanted, they extorted, raped, and murdered.".
             The attitudes the Spanish had towards the Native Americans heavily effected their interaction. Following Oñate's expedition the Natives led the Pueblo Revolt in 1680 that killed four hundred Spanish and drove the remaining out of New Mexico. For twelve years this revolt was successful, until the Spanish came back and took control of the New Mexico area again. This kind of interaction was a common theme throughout all Spanish territory during the 17th and early 18th centuries. However in the late 1700s, Spain saw a period of increased control after the Bourbon Reforms in which the Franciscans developed a series of missions in New Mexico and Texas. This reign of relatively calm control over Spanish America lasted for decades to follow and saw a decline in revolts and independence movements.
             In addition to the Spanish invading the southwest area of North America, the English colonists settled in what is presently Jamestown, Virginia. The relationship between the English settlers and the peoples of Tsenacommacah started uneasy when they kidnapped one of the leaders of Jamestown. It is believed that this was done to "annex" the English settlement into the Tsenacommacah tribe. The Englishmen did not agree with this and it was the catalyst to about five years of war that wiped out Jamestown and its people.

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