26 nave participants responses were observed and recorded. .
Without manipulation, 0% of the participants turned inward, consistent with the social norm of facing outward. After manipulation, 4 out of 26 participants (15.4%) turned and faced inward in the elevator. Those who conformed were females. Half of the 22 showed different degree of curiosity and anxiety. Although they did not turn around, some looked uncomfortable and left the elevator quickly. At the same time, there were people who were busy with mobile devices and hence not paying attention to the surroundings. Participants were also observed to be less anxious and less vulnerable to conformity when they were not alone. .
With naturalistic observation method, the behaviors observed were highly credible. Despite of the low conformity rate of the experiment, we also focus on peoples facial expressions and behaviors to help explain the study. .
All conformed participants were female, suggesting a plausible gender difference in conformity. Since the beginning of mankind history, males have been more dominant over females, which possibly lead them to their higher independence and reluctance to conform to our weird behavior. Females do conform more because they are more likely to value interpersonal relationship. (Eno, 2010). .
Low conformity rate suggests people from HKU are well-educated and have high independence. Asch (1955) emphasized that the education is able to cultivate the way we act and respond. With higher educational level, participants generally have the ability to judge the wrong using common sense. Hence, they would be confident in differentiating what is right or wrong. With the increased independence, people have stronger courage to tell the truth when others do not. (Hodges & Geyer, 2006). .
Meanwhile, with the wave of globalization, people from Hong Kong tend to have higher self-esteem against conformity under the Westernized individualistic culture influence (Bond & Smith, 1996), especially when Hong Kong is a modern international trade city in Asia.