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Formation of Pakistan


             The goal of a 'Pakistan" itself was adopted in 1940 by the Muslim League. It was an imagining of a confederation of discontinuous states(Metcalf). It was meant to include provinces such as Punjab, Sind, Balochistan, and Afghan regions(Metcalf). At first, the idea was not politically practical, since Muslim interests were being protected by regional parties in the Muslim majority areas of the North-west and east. However, with the approaching independence of India by 1940; the fate of Muslims in India impelled the Muslim League to proclaim that areas in which Muslims were the numerical majority, there should be independent states in which the constituent units should be autonomous and sovereign(Metcalf). Mohammad Ali Jinnah claimed that Muslims in India are not a minority--rather a nation and must have their own homelands, territory, and state(Metcalf). The gain for mass support for the 'Pakistan movement' was bolstered by the educated class of Muslims. They promoted individual morality amongst Muslims and co-operation between religious communities in an independent India(Metcalf). The 'Pakistan' idea was a compelling attraction for "fearful Muslims" who feared their place in a congress-run India and the British, who in their anxiety to secure Muslim support during World War II, helped along the League with acts such as the provisions in the Cripps proposal that allowed provinces to avoid being a part of any independent India. The elections held during the winter of 1945/46 were now reduced to the Congress and Muslim League. This exhibited the status that the League had attained especially through its wartime collaborations with the imperial government. The Muslim League won 442 of the 500 Muslim seats in the provincial assemblies, and won all thirty reserved Muslim seats in the central legislature(Metcalf). This substantiated Jinnah's claim that the league alone, represented India's Muslims(Guha).

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