What steps go into changing the policy for the two areas? Who is changing these policies and coming up the plan of action by which the nation will follow and abide by? The third factor is who makes up the work force of both industries and what types of training, education, and certifications are required to become a professional in both areas. The fourth and final area in which the answer to this increasingly complex answer can be found is the compensation which professionals in the given career field receive. Compensation much like money spent is not a concrete way to determine which is more important, yet compensation helps vastly in answering this important question. Looking at all of these factors in conjunction with one another help us concluded an answer.
The American Government spends a great deal of time creating a budget for the finances of this great nation each fiscal year. Budgets even on a simple level usually tend to allot more money or funding based upon the importance of different factors. With this simple yet important theory in mind dissecting the past and present United States fiscal budgets helps us developed an idea of the order of importance of different areas of concentration in the nation. .
The American defense budget is currently on the decline. In a Department of Defense briefing on the fiscal year 2015 department of defense budget and the 2014 quadrennial defense review in the pentagon briefing room Deputy Under Secretary of Defense Christine E. Wormuth gave us the logic behind the Department of defense upcoming request of funds. Wormuth's statement was based upon three pillars. "The first pillar is really to protect the homeland, to ensure that we can deter threats against the United States and defeat threats if necessary. That also, under protecting the homeland, we also are focused on continuing to be able to provide support to civil authorities when called upon to deal with natural disasters and things of that sort.