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Rousseau and an Alternative to Democracy


It is important to make a distinction: the term democracy should be used only in relation of the kind of government used by ancient Greeks, since the term itself means government by the people. If democracy is intended as the modern theory of the state, then it is better to call it liberalism (Bobbio: 1988, 25). John Locke can be considered the first and greatest exponent of political liberalism. In his best work "Two treatises on government " the philosopher point out that the state of nature does not have the Hobbes' negative sides of conflict and passion's domain. Differently in Locke's state of nature humans do have rationality and they are, according to liberal philosophy, equal and free. The main point to be analysed in Locke's philosophy is what the role of the state should be. Since among natural rights the right to private property is one of the most important, the state has to guarantee the private property as well as others natural rights (freedom, freedom of speech etc.). (Locke, 1821). In other words humans having realized that that a dangerous conflict of interest would raise, they have to be "protected " by an unique political body. Society, as a contract, establish a power to which any citizen is subordinate, and in which only the majority can make decisions for the rest of population. (Locke, 1821). Even if it could be said that the state in Locke's philosophy has a positive role, since it makes sure that people's rights are not violated, at the same time this model of state cannot be viewed as democratic. From the moment in which the people, through elections, chooses to be represented, automatically the power does not longer belong to the people itself but, from that moment on representatives are authorized to turn the will of the people in laws. Norberto Bobbio in "Liberalism and Democracy " has showed how there is no interdependence between democracy and liberalism.

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