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My Cultural History


            In this paper, I will be describing the time in my childhood as a seven year old. This was an interesting time time in my life as I had to go through some changes. Two days after I turned seven, the tragic events of 9/11 happened. It was the first time in my that I can remember being truly scared. I never even knew what a terrorist or anything like that was until then.when I heard that all the bridges were being closed, I thought It was because the terrorist we're attacking on ground. I was really worried that there were a bunch of terrorist with guns and tanks would go around killing people. I was especially worried for my dad because he worked in queens and had to walk home. I also had an uncle who worked downtown so I was worried for him too. This day really taught me that life isn't all fun and games. I began to see the world in a bigger picture.
             As a child, I wasn't in good shape physically and I was very overweight. I already weighed at over one hundred pounds and I only stood at about four 1/2 feet. I thought at the time that it was a good thing to weigh more because the bigger you are the more of a man you were. This was probably due to my poor diet. I ate junk food almost constantly. The only time I ate any sorta kind of healthy food was when my mom made dinner and I would barely finish those meals. I certainly wouldn't eat ant salads or vegetables. I could barely stand eating fruits. I remember I would eat maybe half of my dinner and then all the leftover food on one side of the plate just to make it look like I ate a lot. I'd then show it to my mom so she can see that I ate enough. I don't know if I really convinced her or she just didn't care, probably the latter. .
             I wasn't very active either. All I did in my my home was eat, sleep, watch tv, and play video games. Not that there was much else to do in the small apartment I used to live in my apartment. It only had a living room, a kitchen, a bedroom and a bathroom so there wasn't too much privacy either.

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