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Community Policing in Indianapolis


This process allowed for more modification within the department by changing the investigation policies. The department altered the way it used its probation system to become more effective as a whole. Many of these changes were implemented at the beginning of the Weed and Seed Imitative. After these initial changes the department brought upon even more change to the organization. Among these changes was the creation of programs such as the Indianapolis Management Accountability Program (IMAP), Violence Impact Program for Enhanced Response (VIPER), The Metro Gang Task Force (MGTF) and Multijurisdictional task forces. These programs were created to target drug and gun trafficking, gang violence and youth arrest rates. These programs and the research that was conducted after were evidence of the department's efforts in trying to change the culture of the three neighborhoods. .
             The changes in the organization implemented.
             With all the changes in the department they had to find a way to implement them into reality. The department wanted to improve the quality of life for the citizens living in these neighborhoods. They did so by creating high standards of professionalism and productivity from the officers working the beats. This enabled officers to focus on more valuable targets such as violent crime offenders. The professionalization of the force began to be recognized by the community. According to Chandler (2000) "Professionalization of the force means that officers treat citizens as customers and are judged on how well citizens are served. " Following these .
             changes the department used its partnership with WESTCO to have leadership in and outside of the communities. The officers were sent to meet to public community meetings, where they listened to communities speak their voice and concerns. The community told the police which criminal activities to focus on and what techniques to use.

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