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Sex Trafficking - Human Rights Violation


            Sex trafficking is one of the most egregious human rights violations, and it happens right under our noses. Victims of this crime are lured into an unknown country and promised a new life of wonder; this includes a better life, more freedom, and a promising future with a career. But instead, they are forced into the sex industry for a place to sleep. Over 40,000 young men and women are abducted and manipulated into this underground organization that isolates and brutalizes an individual's freedom and dignity, and it all happens right under our noses.
             Sex trafficking is a modern day form of slavery. As years go on, the numbers have increased dramatically as the demand for sex has sky rocketed. According to Washington Times, an estimated 1 million children worldwide are sexually abducted annually. The average of girls forced into the sex trade is 12 to 14 to boys. The chief of Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section of the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice stated there is an endless amount of victims but the ones most at risk are those who have ran away, "thrown " away, homeless, or a history of abuse. This makes it easier for traffickers because it makes the abducted harder to track and have an identity. Most of it happened right under our noses. In the untied states alone, 300,000 children are trafficked for sex every year, (Frundt, 4). These kids are often posted on a pornographic websites, brothels, and nightclubs. But what is sex trafficking anyway? It is defined in the dictionary as recruitment, transport transfer, harboring or receipt of a person by such means as threat or use of force or other forms of abduction. Some trafficking persons might start their journey by agreeing to be smuggled into a country illegally, but find themselves deceived and forced into a dangerous situation. This could mean being forced into working for extraordinary low wages to pay for the transportation.

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