This is very useful to me personally, since I have to do surveys in my volunteering, and now I can apply these to create a great data and a better sense of what's going on. Furthermore, we discussed experimental methods in Experimental Activity Method assignment, which really helped me gain a better understanding of confounding variables, control groups, and experimental groups particularly. This applies to my science work and labs that I do at school, and with this I can create my own experiments with specific procedures and steps, too. Hopefully, I can apply all the the research methods, evaluations, and stats to my everyday life especially in my educational career because these can greatly help in my pursuits of being a doctor.
Paragraph 3- Module 2A on Neurobiological Approach to Behavior.
This module is all about biology of the brain, nervous system, and senses, and how they affect .
all aspects of our thinking and actions. First, we talked about, neurons, the building block of the nervous system and different parts that make it (synapse, neurotransmitters, etc.), the Nervous System and the different subsections (CNS and PNS) that make it work together to command messages and connect it to the body, and the Endocrine System with its endocrine glands that work to sustain our basic bodily functions. This information was very fun to incorporate to my Real World Analysis assignment of how Stevie "morphed" into a Power Ranger due to the bodily response of his adrenaline. Furthermore, we discussed the wide array of individual responsibilities and actions of each part of the brain from thalamus to the cerebrum to the pons. Each and every one play such a giant role in our bodily functions, and it was quite fascinating to discover how such a small part of your body has such huge effects on yourself. This has definitely changed my thought process about what makes up my body, and everything I learned can be put to use as I strive toward a career in the medical field.