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The Devestation of the Bubonic Plague


They got drunk and had fun with no moderation. Eventually, laws fell apart and people started doing whatever they wanted (Boccaccio). It can be inferred that the people believed that they were going to die and they should live life to the fullest, therefore they threw away all their money, ate everything they could, and lived only for that moment (Blaisdell). At this point, nobody cared about anyone but themselves. Parents abandoned their children and families broke apart forever (Boccaccio). There was no respect and the bodies piled up in the streets. Big holes were dug in the ground and after a few days all the bodies were thrown in. Nobody cried and nobody cared, even funerals became pointless. Once someone died, their house became fair game for anyone who wanted to live in it (Boccaccio). .
             There was also no respect for the medical officials or the Catholic Church. This was because everyone was failing. The doctors were unable to accurately treat their patients and the religious people were getting no response from God. They could not understand how their God could let this happen to them and, slowly but surely, they lost their faith.This tore people apart and drove a definitive line between people who believed and people who did not (Blaisdell).
             As well as ruining families, the awful disease caused a myriad of effects to the economy. For example, the price of luxuries, such as candles and cloth, increased exponentially. As well as this, services were more difficult to find and the class boundaries were stretched to their limits. Since there everyone was dead or dying, there were very few people who were able to do work. One of the hardest positions to fill was gravediggers because most people no longer had the strength or willpower to exert that much effort (Blaisdell). The Plague destroyed everyone, either physically or emotionally. One could argue that the survivors were worse off than the dead.

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