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The Truth about Female Genital Mutilation "


It is also performed in some parts of Middle East. In an interview between Alice Walker and a circumciser in Africa, .
             Walker asked the circumciser "I would like to know how you became a circumciser " The circumciser's translator replied, "She says her mother was a circumciser, her grandparents, her great grand-father, were circumcisers. So when her mother died, she was elected as the circumciser. (Walker, 1991).
             Immigrants entering the United States are now starting to perform FGM "under the table ". When immigrants enter a country where FGM is illegal, they still practice it because it is their tradition. This procedure is definitely dehumanizing and degrading to all women. Their family and villagers look down upon women because they must sacrifice their sexual pleasure and their health for marriage and the men better sexual pleasure with a circumcised woman than a woman who isn't. (Walker, 1993). Tradition and "religion " aren't supposed or harm to a person. Even though there isn't anything stating they must go forth with this. There isn't any particular age when FGM is done to a girl. Although in some areas, such as Indonesia FGM is performed on girls that are as young as 15 months. (Corbett, 2008). According to Mbiti .
             "No matter how old he or she might be, and it is shameful to be isolate from one's age-mates through lack of this experience . Female operators do it on girls and male operators on boys ". (Mbiti, 1993).
             There usually aren't any anesthetics used during the FGM procedure. The instruments used aren't sterile or proper. There is a lot of pain, discomfort, agony, that come along with it. There are many cons to this method but no pros what-so-ever. Parmar speaks to Dr. Henriette Kouyate a gynecologist in Senegal who has been working against FGM since 1955. According to Dr. Kouyate the reason people of the village put their girls through this is because of religion, tradition or hygiene.

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