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American Revolution and the Latin American Revolution


Americans also made contact with people from across the globe through world trade, and industrialization was an ever-growing success (MultiEducator, 2000). Britain's preoccupation with other colonies led to neglect and lack of enforcement of trade restrictions and colonial duties. This in turn facilitated independent economic activity of America, and allowed this colony to flourish. .
             Across the continent, Native American tribes operated self sufficiently in producing food, shelter, and clothing. When Europeans arrived, they utilized the efficiency of these people therefore most production of the 13 colonies was agricultural, having 90% of 18th century Americans making their living off the land. In all regions of the colonies, merchants attempted to promote economic growth in their region but were stifled by British policies of mercantilism (MultiEducator, 2000). According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, "mercantilism is an economic system developing during the decay of feudalism to unify and increase the power and especially the monetary wealth of a nation by a strict governmental regulation of the entire national economy through policies designed to secure an accumulation of bullion, a favorable balance of trade, the development of agriculture and manufactures, and the establishment of foreign trading monopolies. " With this in mind, British merchants and most of the Parliament enforced laws that the American colonies were subject to the crown and to serve the crown in paying their taxes. English-Americans believed that they deserved the rights of any Englishman, including the right to be represented before the body which levied its taxes (Bailyn, 2012). They also believed that the Britain was harming them more than helping them due to high taxes and trade restrictions which only led to the stifling of industrialization. With these economic conditions only worsening, this led to a reformed way of thinking which inspired the American Revolution.

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