"Research shows that requiring minors to tell a parent before they can access contraception delays or prevents them from seeking reproductive health services, but does not reduce their sexual activity" (Ana). One of the determining factor for teens deciding whether or not to seek contraceptive protection can be confidentiality. When teenagers do not seek these health services, they not only forego the use of contraception, but they also lack appropriate health care and undergo treatment for several sexually transmitted diseases. "Every year three million U.S. teenagers contract a sexually transmitted disease. Left undetected and untreated, STDs can have lifelong consequences, including infertility" (ACLU). Not every teenager knows how to use condoms perfectly because it could slip or even leak, therefore paving way to unprotected sex. Their hope is on the contraceptive and if they do not have access to it, it may cause harm to their health in general. Furthermore, the use of birth control pills reduces the rate of abortion in teenagers. If teenagers have to ask for approval from parents and are not given permission to get the birth control pills, they will still have sexual intercourse. Without the pills, they will get pregnant and end up with the only solution which is abortion, if they don't want to have the baby. In reference to an article by Stephanie Pappas, "In a study published in the journal Obstetrics and Gynecology, researchers provided free methods of reversible, reliable contraception to more than 9,000 teens and women in the St. Louis area. They found that the program reduced the abortion rate among these women by 62 percent to 78 percent" (Stephanie). Hence, if the access to birth control pill keeps increasing, the rate of abortion will potentially decrease with time. It is better for a teenager to take this contraceptives than have the side effects of abortion like illness and infertility, infection in the body and in rare cases death due to complications.