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Video Games, Children and Violent Behavior


It has been argued for years that television is not good for stimulating the minds of children. With that said, all forms of media entertainment have been frowned upon at one time or another and said to be harmful to children and their behavior. In both television watching and video game playing children are sitting indoors being inactive, but with a video game containing the right content for the child, they are using their brain in a way that is paving the path for their future and the technology that is going to run the world they live in.
             Millions people of all ages both male and female across the world play video games. These people are known as "Gamers". Most people would be lead to believe that the common gamer are children and teenagers under the age of eighteen, when many study's show that the average gamer is thirty-three years old. ("Video Games and Violence") Only eighteen percent of U.S game players are under eighteen years old years and one third of U.S. game players are over fifty years old. ("Games to do you good ") This being the case, most video games are aimed to entertain an older age group of people and contain contents of a mature nature. These types of video games are not available for purchase by an person under the age of eighteen. With adult males being the main group of people playing video games, playing them is a good way to release aggression without releasing that aggression on others. .
             Some of the video games that are of a mature or adult content allow for gambling with real money or spending real money to purchase items that could further the players game play. By purchasing a gaming card at a gaming store such as "The Game Stop ", it allows the player to use their own money in return for "game money ". This money allows them to do any number of things like being able to gamble. Just like in real gambling in Vegas, there is a limit. Some people do not know when to stop and wind up losing their house, their savings, and much more.

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