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Love - A Biological Constitution


In his work entitled Symposium, Plato attempted to outline the purpose and nature of love, as well as the many facets love can be to one individual. The text also asserts the highest purpose of love is to become "a lover of wisdom " or a philosopher, learning and educating others, thus showing that love has more than one purpose to man. (Plato, 2001). Researchers, philosophers, anthropologists, theologians, neurologists, psychologists and even poets have continued in Plato's steps by presenting various thoughts, theories and ideas as to what love is, although it is fair to say that these views have changed with the advancement of society and scientific research into human behaviour. .
             Many have attributed or associated love with the desire of man to procreate and therefore love is simply an illusion. Arthur Schopenhauer took this approach in his work The Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes in which he stipulates that love is a tool of "deception " and is only needed to motivate the sexes to procreate which is why a person will seek out a partner to satisfy themselves (Stewart, 1995, p. 194-196). The physiological responses or urges of the men and women were never attributed to a biochemical or brain reaction during Schopenhauer's time, mostly due to the influence of theologians and beliefs upheld by the church on love and sex.
             These views no longer apply to everyone in society today as love and sex have taken on a new face with many not seeking a partnership for procreation. Science has assisted society in these changing views with contraceptive techniques, alternative methods of impregnation and with our understanding of our brain chemistry. Even our views on our emotions have changed with the advancement of study into the function of the brain and how the neurotransmitters are stimulated when attraction, emotions or love are experienced and the chemical reactions that result or even how to restore their normality should it be required.

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