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Social Media - Power To The People


Sharing one's views has become a lot easier by just updating status on Facebook, twitter or whatsapp. Well,the other side of the coin suggests that it is harmful for today's youth. According to M. Ayish social networking sites are not only meant to interact with people and to make friends but also encourages activities like cyber bullying, harassing people, online human trafficking etc, and there is a cyber crime law in UAE as well as most of the countries which keeps a track of the abusive activities on social networking sites (Personal communication, Oct 25).At times it's also the cause of stress amongst teenagers. People's motivational level reduces due to the use of social networking sites. They mostly rely on the virtual environment instead of gaining practical knowledge from the real world. The impact of these sites, be it good or bad, depends on the usage. It is advantageous if used wisely and constructively but sometimes it could prove to be harmful if these social medias are used in an abusive manner.
             Social networking sites play a key role in the field of education thereby serving students in a constructive or destructive way. This generation has been bought up with facebook and twitter as a part of their life. Social Medias has proved really helpful to students as they can create awareness campaigns with the help of such sites which will help not only them but also a larger section of the society. For example if there is flood or earthquake in any country, students can share this news on social networking sites and also start awareness or fundraising campaigns to help the victim. This can be really useful. Social networking teaches skills which the students will need to survive in the business world. Being able to create and maintain connections to many people is an integral part of developing a career. The ease with which the user can share, upload pictures, videos or stories has resulted in greater amount of sharing of creative work.

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