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Germany Strikes Back


            If the pen is truly mightier than the sword, then this was the Great War all over again. The development of the Human Race has allowed for a new forum for conflict. An internal, political, and international conflict between member-states that is dubbed ironically the "United Nations."" A while back there was a vision to emulate the actual conflict between member-states under the guise of cooperation between nations. Thus the Model United Nations was born and the forum for conflict between role playing students was also conceived. This time the battlefield was Tustin High School as it hosted it's annual Model United Nations Conference. And so I stood silently upon the steps of the High School with my standard of Black Red and Gold fluttering in the early morning wind. For today I shall be Germany, a nation infamous for warfare, and I had no plan to play pacifist in this aggressive stake to decide the fate of international unilateral sanctions. Little did I know then that it would be a battle that would teach me forever the importance of that saying of the pen, and indeed the word, being mightier than the sword in just one instance. So within that one instance, being the climax of our arguments, did I as Germany go up to stir up the mock world in an effort that mirrored an armed conflict.
             It was a touchy subject; Unilateral sanctions "Good or Bad? I was inside the trenches of the ruffled papers and sorted pens of the European Bloc. Our position was obvious with each adamant nod that came from our heads at all the points voiced out about preserving such sanctions. Our camp was directly opposed by the Abolitionist Bloc lead by Cuba and Iraq who were staring us down and shooting their glances as if their eyes were burning with napalm. However, it was our Bloc's turn to go up to the podium to address the General Assembly and I was the last speaker--- The Secret Weapon. The others in our Bloc dashed against the Abolitionist Bloc's resolution to destroy all sanctions without compromise in our courageous frontal assault against them with each word like a thrust of idealistic soldiers charging against the enemy lines.

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