The method which Taub and Blinde used to collect there data was through use of a questionnaire. The data was collected over a two-day period by distributing the questionnaire out to the students during physical education class. Confidentiality of answers was assured to the students that participated. The available student pool consisted of 280 females; 108 were athletes and 172 were non-athletes. Some students decided not to participate eight were athletes and forty-five were not, also fifteen non-athletes were absent from class on both days of the data collection. There were 100 athletes and 112 non-athletes in the final sample. The average age of the athletes was 16.2, and 15.9 of the non-athletes. The majority of the two groups were Caucasian; sixty-eight percent of the athletes and seventy-six percent of the non-athletes. Of the samples fifteen percent were freshmen, thirty-six percent were sophomores, twenty-seven percent were juniors, and twenty-two percent were seniors. Chi-square analysis (a statistical test most often used to determine whether frequency data obtained experimentally provide a "good fit," or approximation) revealed that there were no significant differences because of age, race, and grade-level variables. Twenty-six of the athletes participated on more than one sport; twenty-two played two sports and four played three sports therefore the total number of participants on athletic teams totaled 130. The sports included in the study were volleyball, basketball, track/cross-country, tennis, and softball. There were thirty-nine athletes who volleyball, twenty basketball players, forty-nine track/cross-country runners, five tennis players, and seventeen that played softball. There were four sections to the questionnaire: (1) assessment of the behavioral and psychological traits associated with eating disorders, (2) frequency of pathogenic weight control behaviors, (3) demographic information and dieting behavior, and (4) gender-role orientation.