However, in case the level of spending goes down, the level of employment is also forecasted to go down. Once the pay increase for the employees is raised, the productivity of the employees will rise. Moreover, the level of spending will increase thereby helping to raise the earnings of the Oklahoma City agency (OKC, 2012). With increased earnings, the city will manage to improve its infrastructure thereby help it to fulfill its objectives of sustaining conducive business operations. Moreover, the agency will manage to budget for its expenditure thereby allow it to provide the essential services needed by the residents of the city. .
3. Trend Analysis.
The trends that are observed in the agency are normally influenced by the performance of US economy. Whenever there is a recession, the entire US economy deteriorates, thus influencing the performance of the agency. The agency is optimistic in that it will increase its growth potential as a result of the earnings it derives from the sales tax. For example, in 2012, the budget of the agency had risen to 7.1 percent when compared to the previous year. The City is regarded as one of the best in terms of refraining from wasteful spending. For example the Citizens against Waste is a body whose focus is to ensure that mismanagement, inefficiency, and wastage in government. For example, the figure below reflects the performance of Oklahoma City from July to December 2012 (OKC, 2012). The information reveals that that the spending of the city in various projects being undertaken in the city is consistent. In this perspective therefore, Oklahoma is regarded as one of the best cities in terms of managing its spending. .
Oklahoma Expenditure Trend analysis .
Source: (Bureau of labor Statistics, 2013).
4. Expenditure forecast.
Though most agencies in the government did not receive any increase in funding over the financial year 2012, the increase in spending was observed to rise by 3 percent in 2012.