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Advancements in Stem Cell Research


He says, "In this case, I believe the two are not inconsistent. As a person of faith, I believe we are called to care for each other and work to ease human suffering. I believe we have been given the capacity and will to pursue this research -- and the humanity and conscience to do so responsibly." That quote is so important to humanity because if an individual is suffering and in need of medical help but stem cells is the most effective way of helping them then why not use it and do more research to further the advancement of the system.
             The most common example of stem cells being used in the medical field today is Bone Marrow Transplantation. Bone marrow contains cells that are hematopoietic, or in other words blood forming stem cells. These stem cells divide to form the three main types of blood which are white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. A bone marrow transplant is used to replace the stem cells that have been destroyed by chemotherapy or any other type of radiation therapy. If these stem cells are capable to produce blood cells in cancer patients that have lost many of their cells due to radiation then this can possibly be a breakthrough for diseases such as HIV or AIDS. .
             Bone Marrow Transplants are an essential factor to saving lives. Each year more than 130,000 Americans are diagnosed with a serious blood disease. Leukemia will be the illness that 44,000 of those Americans have. Out of these people only 30 percent will have a matching donor in their family and the other 70 percent must rely on the slim chances of finding a compatible stranger when only 2 percent of the US populations is signed up to be a donor. For minorities and multi-racial individuals finding a possible donor is even more difficult. This is a problem that can possibly be fixed with the further advancement of stem cell research. The process of finding someone with the same blood type is hard enough, but finding a person of the same race just adds another barrier in the way of someones mission to get well.

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