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Defining Nationalism


By the end of the nineteenth century nationalism had become a well-known movement, with the beginning of patriotic poems, flags, national holidays and national anthems. .
             In order to consider nationalism, as a political ideology three problems come across; one) is that nationalism is often considered a political doctrine rather than a complete ideology. The second is that nationalism is sometimes depicted as an essentially psychological phenomenon as those who feel strongly about an individual's nation may dislike other nations. Finally, nationalism is a contradictory political element, where it has been progressive and reactionary, democratic and authoritarian and finally rational and irrational (Heywood p.172).
             Whilst discussing nationalism four core themes being the nation, organic community, self-determination and culturalism predominantly appear. The nation can be considered one of the most central principal to political organization as it can be defined in terms of common origin, ethnicity, and cultural ties. The basis for identity can be broad and made up of a combination of factors like language, traditions, beliefs, ethnicity, and history. Nations have also been based on certain ethics and race, which is apparent when discussing Nazi Germany. During that time there was a great deal of German national pride that can be depicted negatively and a taboo. The most fundamental aspects of propaganda were introduced such as the placement of the German flag on everything in order to promote exclusive German national pride. Organic community is humankind being divided into a collection of different nations each being distinctive and different from the others. Primordalists have argued that a nation is rooted in share culture, and historical past. Anthony Smith in 1986 argued that there was continuity between modern and pre modern ethnic communities. However situationalist theories argue that nation identity is response to the change of situations and historical situations, seeing a link between the emergence of the modern nation state and the urbanization.

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