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Impact of the Great War on Germany


Because all the countries involved had different opinions and points of views on what the Treaty of Versailles had to include, the treaty included parts of what every country wanted in it. The treaty is named after the French palace where leaders met and discussed ways of leadership and general discussion. This shows that the defeated countries were indeed in this position of Germany, the "leaders" and they gained power over Germany as she had to do what they said. In 1919 the peace treaty was drawn up by David Lloyd George (The British Prime Minister), Woodrow Wilson (The US president) and also Georges Clemenceau (The French Prime Minister).
             From the decisions made, Germany had lost everything She was asked to pay £6600 million for the damage caused to both France and Belgium (of which has only recently fully been paid out), she had lost land to Poland, all of Germany's colonies where made into Entente colonies, The Austrian Empire was broken up and Austria was forbidden to Ally with Germany. In addition, a system called the League of Nations was set up and the idea behind it was that countries would meet to discuss problems and find peaceful solutions together in a civilized manner. The league had no army and not all countries were members as USA never joined because of its power. Furthermore Germany had to limit her army to 100,000 men, the navy to 6 battleships and was banned from building planed or tanks. Overall, it's clear that Germany were really stripped out of its remaining insides that deduced its international reputation and power to a brittle sense of failure. .
             On the other hand though, it's fair to say that Germany were not happy about the Treaty of Versailles. For a start, the huge reparations meant that Germany was almost bankrupt at a time of when she was already suffering from a vast amount of costs of the war itself. Furthermore, the limitations to the size of her navy meant that Germany had less protection and this made Germany even more prone and vulnerable to foreign attack and because of its major loss of land, Germany also felt like it had been weakened and split apart altogether.

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