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Original Negative Utopia


             George continued to walk down the cold, dark, main street of PureLiving, the community in which George had lived his entire life. Full of Blacks, Whites, and Grays, PureLiving was exactly that. It was pure because there was nothing bad that you could possibly do, for you were too afraid of the PPA.
             All of a sudden, a beautiful young woman turned the corner of Main Street. She was dressed very simply, like all of the people of PureLiving. She was wearing a black skirt with a gray sweater, of course, no color. Color was, as the PPA thought, the one thing that made previous societies go awry. Even in the earliest stages of America, racism was a separating factor between people. So the PPA got rid of color; all color.
             Meanwhile, George Gray's attention was still focused on the young woman. She looked at him from across the street. George kept walking, and then did a double take.
             "That is the kind of person that I wish that I could have in my life," thought George. Just seeing that girl, that woman, took his mind off of the Sentinels. Just as he thought that, the woman crossed the street, and was walking right towards George.
             She stuck out her hand. .
             "Hello, my name is Dahlia Black, identification number 987UIS34. What is yours?".
             George was stunned into silence for a few moments, and then he stuttered.
             "Uh, oh. My name is George Gray, identification number 910483EF7." .
             He was still too shocked to say anything more than that. She looked at him, puzzled. Instead of continuing to try to get through to George, Dahlia grabbed his hand. George leaped up and stared at her. Right then there was a connection between the two that could never be broken. .
             They just stood in the middle of the street, Dahlia's hand on George's lower arm. She then saw the Sentinel that was patrolling Main Street coming straight towards them. They ducked into a side alley and they had to maintain complete silence, no matter how much they wanted to say to one another.

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