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Epidemiology of Tuberculosis in India: 2000-2012


It had been recorded that the implementation of DOTS has a success rate exceeding 95% and that it prevented the emergence of further MDR-TB strains[8].Recent work suggests that, on a national level, TB trends track more closely with social and economic indicators than with measures of TB control activities [4,5]. These data imply that the targeting of interventions to the most vulnerable groups may be necessary to speed progress toward elimination of this scourge. In 2012 India declared TB to be a notifiable disease meaning that all private doctors, caregivers, and clinics treating a TB patient had to report every case of TB to the government (6). Most analyses of data have confirmed the positive association between household and area poverty indicators and TB in such diverse settings as South Africa [9], Brazil [10], Vietnam [11] and Zambia [12]. This study aims to look at the possible trends in incidence, prevalence, mortality and treatment patterns to understand the possible measures which could be implemented or looked into to improve the overall TB status in India and help the "STOP TB Strategy" goal.
             MATERIALS & METHODS.
             Data was collected from WHO global health report, TBfacts.org and the data was processed for incidence , prevalence and mortality rates depending on TB cases alone and TB+ HIV cases. Tables and graph were formulated with help of Microsoft Excel and Paint and were categorised based on treatment success, relapse and defaults . MDR TB and XDR TB burden in India was also studied. Pubmed index was searched for keywords Tuberculosis , HIV and Tuberculosis, TB affecting population to study more on the epidemiology factors of Tuberculosis.
             Of the 1237 million population which was covered under RNTCP during 2012 , a total of 1467585 cases were notified with total new cases 1183373 , 106463 relapse and 16400 treatment after failure . Figure 1 shows 8 year data of TB cases notified to RNTCP.

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