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Drugs, Addiction and Ruined Lives


There also many methods that families can prevent their children from doing drug abuse like positive parenting and good communication with their children. There are ways of treatment of drug abuse like behavioral therapy and motivational interviewing. There are different and plenty of reasons that can cause people to do drugs and become drug addicts such as to fit in or get rid boredom and the environment he/she lives in.
             The Problem of Addiction.
             Addiction is a serious problem it can affect someone's Social, Economic, Psychic life, and physical health. .
             It can make the addict isolated from the world around him and concentrating only on drugs, having conflicts with friends, acting violently, getting fired from his job, having financial problems, and physical and psychological health problems. .
             The Study Questions.
             1- What are the different methods of introducing drugs into the body?.
             2- What are the different types of drugs?.
             3-What are the most prevalent drugs?.
             4-What are the most significant health damages that leads to drug abuse?.
             5-What are the social and economic damage to drug abuse?.
             6-What are the psychological and social factors responsible for drug abuse?.
             7-What is the role of the family in the face of drug abuse?.
             8-What are the procedures for addressing the problem of drugs?.
             9-What are the components of addiction treatment?.
             10-what causes people to come addicted to drugs?.
             Objectives and aims of the study:.
             1- Understanding what is addiction.
             2- Understanding what is drug addiction.
             3- Warning people about the serious problem of drug abuse.
             4- Giving tips about how to treat addiction.
             5- Understanding that different types of drugs have different effects from each other.
             Significance of the study:.
             1- Society: working to make a better society and solving the economic problems.
             2- Family: putting families on the right path on how to deal with their drug addict family members.
             3- People: making them stop drug abuse.

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