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The Challenges of Modern Parenting


What difficulties of education and consequence for the child can we see in this case? The different role in education of children of the Father and Mother is known long ago. If love of Mother is always unconditional, generous, regardless of acts of the child, love of the Father commanding, it needs to be deserved, and a child should be able "to strain" and overcome difficulties for it. Commanding love of the Father stimulates the child (especially the boy) to development and achievement of definite goals, to formation of an internal core and a certain living position.
             What occurs when the father in a family isn't present? Mother should assume a role of the Father and to be commanding to the child, but then she doesn't give him enough love. And boys teenagers, in general, can have protests against requirements which are imposed by the woman. Often Mother, bringing up a son alone, intuitively is afraid to spoil the son, and shows excessive insistence, and tries to rule the whole life of her son. As a result, the son grows up as "mother's darling", unable to make independent decisions and is guided only by opinion of his mother, or starts hating unconsciously all women, behaving despotically in relation to them. If Mother shrouds the son only in love, is rather frequent that the son seeks to live, receiving pleasures from life, doesn't hurry to live independently and isn't able "to strain" and overcome difficulties. As a result, when the son becomes the adult man, he doesn't accept work, the offered salary and many other things, and he "lives off mother", lives on her pension and doesn't aspire to anything.
             The lack of Father's love also affects at girls. Often, this causes to inability to communicate with representatives of an opposite sex, to build the long relations, inability to respect the partner and his opinion. Making the family, the young woman seeks to do everything by herself, including management of the house that causes a protest of the husband and conducts to frequent scandals.

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