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Is Obamacare the Real Solution?


Whether the federal government can mandate that individuals purchase health insurance, they are mimicking the system like at the United Kingdom, yet more efficient, as what they claim, because it is individual health coverage. While the Healthcare Reform holds all the right reasons, it is not being carried out effectively with feuding factors such as it being too expensive, forced/mandatory, and young people tending to be healthy and don't needing coverage as often as older Americans; making the Obama care a non-cost effective to the individual and more so to the household.
             With Obama Care, President Obama states "If you like your insurance you don't need to change it" in his union conferences. There will be no more denial for people with pre-existing conditions it will be illegal to drop any coverage that the insurance is giving you. "Caps" are now eliminated for life. If people happen to be unemployed that person will be able to still have insurance with an affordable plan for everyone. Many of these sudden changes are great as well as beneficial to countless amounts of struggling Americans. However, looking closely between the lines in the fine print, there might be a huge gap of information that President Obama as well as Congress might not be addressing us. Leaving us more in debt or more secluded from knowledge that soon states will declare bankruptcy, leaving the United States more debts rather than approaching them in a safer manner helping America build bank its economic crisis that is facing now more than ever.
             President Obama wants a plan that is affordable to everyone so they may have health insurance, the plan sounds great, but there are things that Obama will not tell the people that are in fine print, the penalty tax one must pay in the long run. The Medicaid expansion needs to work with in order for the people to get the care of Medicare or Medicaid.
             "As people win, insurance company's lose "Keith Hughes explains on Obama Care on the YouTube video "Obama Care for Dummies: The Affordable Care Act Explained".

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