Why do men die at a younger age? Well that's a big question; needing a big answer .
In life, there's a big inequality between men and women. One of which is doing .
activities requiring much strength. A man is naturally born stronger than a woman by .
means of physical strength, that's why. Some say men are tough while women are .
weaklings. But as we look closer, men tend to be refusal when it comes to asking for .
help. They will never do anything that might be interpreted as a sign of their weakness. .
On the other hand, women are natural cry babies and tantrum throwers. They easily .
express themselves without giving a second thought if they're looking like spineless, .
gutless chickens. Girls got lower egos; they're not afraid to look weak. Unlike men, they .
always try to look strong as if nothing bad had happened. Guys tend to choose to be .
quiet when the truth is, they're so sad, dying to cry and let it all out, causing them to .
take their own life. Studies show that men commit suicide 4 times more often than .
women. In this part, we can clearly see the difference of men and women, most .
especially in their attitude. Well, there's a lot more reasons behind this "big " question. Is .
health one of it? We'll see.
Survey tells that there's a higher number of widows than widowers among married .
people. Why? Statistics suggest that the gender gap in life expectancy between men .
and women is decreasing, but the difference is still significant. Men lag behind women .
for reasons linked to biology, hormonal influences, and psychosocial and lifestyle .
factors. Men have a life expectancy at birth 5 years lower than that of women; they have .
higher age-adjusted death rates from the top 15 causes of death (in the United States). .
The gap between the sexes has widened for men and women younger than 75 years, .
nearly twice as many more deaths as female deaths occurred in 2002. The study .
concluded that more men die prematurely than women.