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Global Issues - Group Study Essay


As a result, the environment around farms becomes healthier and more beautiful which can indirectly benefit people life by bringing better air and water quality (Joshua). Before people think about GMO, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that between 10,000 and 20,000 cases of pesticide poisoning occur in agricultural workers each year in the USA (Phipps), therefore, GMO's help reduce the use of pesticide to of 46.4 million pounds in 2003 (ISAAA.) Other benefits also include "reduction of Soil salinity that has become a major problem in all agriculture especially in the San Joaquin Valley (Whitman) which has made it nearly impossible for crops to grow, if at all. Genetic modification is still a very crude science, but GMO's would not even exist without capability from computers and technology. Leading IT technology companies in Japan and other developed countries have created future frontiers in other industries such as pharmaceutical. .
                      Crop losses from insect pests can be staggering, resulting in devastating financial loss for farmers and starvation in developing countries. These examples show the implicit in risks of pesticide to the environment, especially in developing countries, has been reduced when scientists started their research and applied GMO to the real world The study of the global economic and environmental impacts of biotech crops for the first fifteen years (1996-2010) showed that the technology has reduced pesticide spraying by 443 million kg and has reduced environmental footprint associated with pesticide use by 17.9% (ISAAA). Food security and poverty reduction: GM crops can contribute significantly to global food security and poverty reduction not only in the US, but also around the world. .
             On the other side of the economic spectrum, GMO's pose a large risk in several aspects. The chemicals used to genetically modify can be very expensive.

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