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Erasmus Against Catholic Church


People could go to the Heaven only with the permission of the Pope; or alternatively being the priest led you to get the salvation, that was the kind of the prerequisite to go to the Heaven. Thus, in his work "Praise of Folly ", Erasmus showed his contempt for the monks, he also hate the cardinals who were obsessed in making money and concerns of the world. Thus, Erasmus claimed that praying is a waste of time ("they pray like donkeys in Church "). According to "Handbook of a Christian Soldier ", Erasmus had written that taking a vows and being a priest was not special, there was no need in the guidance of a priest, whereas everyone had their own guide " Handbook, which had a big influence on the reading public and translated into many languages. Therefore, it means that there was a decrease in the Church necessity. .
             Thirdly, through the work "New Testament in Greek "(1516), which was a significant moment in Europe of that time, Erasmus got behind the Latin version (Vulgate- ˜common to all') to the Greek texts on which it was based. There were big differences between the Vulgate and Latin versions; he ignored all works of the ˜schoolmen'. It means that Erasmus undermined the current Bible that was initially based. Also in the second edition of the New Testament in 1519 Erasmus criticized traditional methods of the ˜schoolmen' and made a lot of copies of it. Thus, he denied the works of Church and made his own version of New Testament- these made the influence of Church much less stronger. On the other hand, there are some arguments that the works of Erasmus did not undermine the Church. First of all, he wanted to restore the Church, not to undermine it; make people more aware of the system of Church and make it purely understandable for what they were praying.
             With "Handbook ", people were able to have an own guide but they were still sinful, so that the role of Church became more important, providing for people the chance to get the salvation.

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