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Synthesis of Sources on Anarchy in Action


Daniel Guerin purports that anarchy is the "most complete disorganization of society" which constructs a "new, stable and rational order based upon freedom and solidarity", with the creation of worker autonomy as the chief liberating factor. Worker control of business promotes popular welfare by allowing the people themselves to direct their own destinies rather been implemented as slaves to corporate masters. The principle of autonomy may be expanded into the anarchist form of universal healthcare. Eddie Conlon states that under anarchism, healthcare is to be "self-managed" and run "according to the needs of the commune", in order to respect the autonomy and needs of the people's welfare rather than being run for the sole purpose of profit. Following the same sort of decentralization, Morgan Rodgers Gibson writes that the existing Occupy Movement pushes against the Western Capitalist order of dominion through "a complex form of direct democracy." At its core, anarchism requires that its participation is purely voluntary and thus adequately governed by the people's will rather than a mechanized imposed one. Although these sources speak of entirely different aspects of society, they unite under the critical ideal of collectivist (ownership and control of the means of production and distribution by the people collectively) rule. .
             It is crucial for anarchism in practice to be compatible with anarchist theory and embody the proper balance between the values of solidarity and liberty. Structures must be anarchical in organization in order to fulfill the ideals presented by anarchism as a theory. Therefore, the organization of anarchy must be a horizontal one. The Occupy Movement is particularly exemplar as a current example of such an embodiment. Gibson writes that the movement seeks to push for radical reform by "laying the framework for a new world by building it here and now".

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