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Maintaining Professionalism in Healthcare


             Healthcare professionals must be aware that due to the many complexities in healthcare, their conduct and services are scrutinized by the increasingly critical and demanding public (Campbell, 2011). They are expected to be empathetic communicators armed with good manners, and sensitivity to the needs and rights of patients (Campbell, 2011). Acquiring such a role comes with; the acceptance of proper medical ethics, communication skills, and knowledgeable retractions of different ethnicities cultures and behaviors. Promptness, appropriate work attire, and dependability must also be acquired from health professionals. The implementation of such in a health care workplace provides collaboration amongst colleagues and patients with the purpose of benefiting society by improving the health care system.
             How to Obtain and Sustain Professionalism in the Workplace Environment.
             Medical ethics is crucial in obtaining and sustaining healthcare professionalism. It encloses how a professional must consider first the well-being of the patient, respect for the patient and clinical autonomy, provide high-quality care without discrimination, and provide openness and honesty with the patient with an agreement of disclosure of the adverse events (Christian et. Al, 2008). A strong work ethic can progress success for a long time in a very beneficial way. The key for professionals is to remain focus on the job and learn how to differentiate professional life from private life. All emotional baggage must be left as soon as a professional enters the place of employment. A good status of attendance and punctuality must be attributed, along with reliability, accountability, attitude, enthusiasm, quality of work, compliance, and representation of the employer (Makely, 2013). .
             As stated before, behavior is highly scrutinized in the public eye. Thus, health professionals must be aware of all the actions that are seen in the publics eye.

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