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Poetry Summaries


            Ezra Pounds poem "The Jewel Stairs' grievance" was a little confusing to me to be honest. "The jeweled steps" "gauze stockings" "crystal curtain" and "watch the moon" to me symbolizes a queen in a palace where the grounds are covered in snow and she opens the curtain while watching the moon thinking about her Ex (boyfriend, husband) or her future partner. The quote "gauze stockings" symbolizes her as a royal queen or someone among high ranking. While the quote tends to describe her as a royal queen, she lives inside a palace or some expensive building where "the jeweled steps" resembles a staircase full of jewels. This queen/ princess seems to be within a palace where it's snowing and cold. The poem doesn't really give too much information referring that the poem isn't very detailed and lengthy. Within "The Jewel Stairs' grievance" I believe the queen is heart broken and is weeping her ex boyfriend/ husband, "I let down the crystal curtain and watch the moon". I may have watched too many movies but to me this symbolizes her grieving her partner. While it states the description of the "Jewelled steps", I can't really tell if she's inside her palace or outside of it; the poem doesn't necessarily describe this. Wealthy individuals within palaces have two story environments and these "jeweled steps" may be outside or inside. The description about the "crystal curtain" symbolizes a fancy luxurious curtain full of jewels and crystals surrounding the window. She says she moves the curtains (inside of her palace) to look at the moon (through a window). However, the curtains could also represent tears of her missing her significant other/ future partner. I believe the moon symbolizes her future, and happiness.
             To summarize, there a princess in a palace somewhere far away where snow exists and she is missing her partner/ looking for her future partner.

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